
$ -

0% of $2,000 goal

Build The Boat. Build The Kingdom.

Learn More @ buildtheboat.org


Current Goal: $2,000 to establish the non-profit organization.


Epistle exists to build the 21st-century church in true Christ-like love, building up Christ-followers who seek to preach the truth of the Gospel of Jesus, not just by word, but by fruit. As a soon-to-be non-profit, Epistle strives to live by a 100% model, where all funds raised and received for Epistle support future ministry campaigns. This means overhead costs are separately funded by crowdfunding named "The Boat." 


Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” 

Matthew 4:19 


Thank-You Gifts

YouTube @fromEpistle





Organized by Epistle