Kiss The Pig 2024

April 18 - May 3


Campaign Ended

Organized by READ Lakeland, Inc.


373 Supporters

86% of $40,000 goal

Tammi Crotteau

Fundraiser since Apr 2024

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19 supporters

Tammi Crotteau's Story

READ Lakeland is an incredible gift to those adults in our community that struggle with reading. As the founder of Magnolia Montessori Academy and an avid reader myself, I believe there is no greater path to independence and developmentof self than reading. Montessori method of education is all about fostering independence and teaching children to be life long learners. I can think of no greater gift than to give this to adults who somehow missed out as children.

Team Members



The Grand Smooch Finale

Friday, May 3rd, 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM EDT

In Person

Come watch the winning candidate PUCKER UP to KISS A PIG! Hors d'oeuvres and wine and beer included with your ticket price. Starts at 5:30PM at the Lakeland Country Club.



Campaign Ended


373 Supporters

86% of $40,000 goal

READ Lakeland, Inc. logo

READ Lakeland, Inc.

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 31-1467587

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