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1% of $250,000 goal

Operation Save A Child

The CERTSGroup Foundation Endowment Fund is a vitally important financial assistance fund designed to help both families who need additional financial support in the last months of residential treatment to bridge the gap between rapidly dwindling resources and what is required to get to the finish line of graduation, and in some cases, payment for treatment at the beginning. This Financial Assistance Endowment provides additional help to eligible families to either start or finish treatment for a loved one. Our dream has been to make clinical appropriateness the deciding criteria for admission, not financial wherewithal. Our goal this year is to raise $2 million. The interest income earned each year from this amount is sufficient to provide life saving financial assistance for up to 10 families who need extra help monetarily to complete the last few months of treatment, or to cover ⅔ of the expenses for one student for the full average residential stay. Our base assumption is that we can produce safe, dependable income that will at least grow with the pace of inflation at a rate of 6% per year, hence the $2 million figure. A fully funded CERTSGroup Foundation would have $100 million in it, but we are choosing to take this one child at a time.


Organized by Certsgroup Foundation
501(c)(3) Private Non-Operating Foundation · EIN 20-4137065