CGM's! 3rd Annual Team Chicken Wing Eating Challenge for Charity!
Benefiting Camp Good Mourning!, a Huntington-based 501c3 nonprofit organization that provides FREE grief camp programs for Long Island children coping with the death of a parent and/or sibling.
To Enter:
• 2 Wing-Eaters per Team
• $35 Registration per Wing-Eater
• Minimum of 4 pledgers per Wing-Eater
• Minimum of $25 donation per pledge
• All pledges must be in by February 3rd, 11:59pm, UNLESS a team registers the day of the event
** If a wing eater is unable to secure a minimum of 4 -$25 sponsorships, said wing eater is responsible for honoring this commitment, in addition to the registration donation**
Trophies Awarded for:
* Top Fundraising - Individual
* Top Fundraising - Team
* Most Wings Eaten - Adult Individual
* Most Wings Eaten - Adult Team
* Most Wings Eaten - (17 & Under) Individual
* Most Wings Eaten - (17 and under) Team
Other Entertainment
• 50/50 Raffle
• Lotto-Pop . . .
* Scratch off $$$ Opportunity
• Wing eating competition is open to all amateur eaters of all ages and who are in good health
• Professional eaters, persons recognized by the AICE, the IFOCE, or members of any professional eating organization are NOT ELIGIBLE
• 2 WING EATERS per team
• Any competitor with a serious ailment or health problem may not compete in the contest
• ALL competitors will be required to complete a waiver and release provided by Camp Good Mourning!
• Competitors may eat sitting down or standing up in their designated areas
• Wings must be substantially consumed as determined by officials, otherwise they will not count
• Chicken meat must be eaten directly from the bones (stripping bones of meat first and eating the meat afterwards is not allowed)
• Competitors may not touch the wing basket or wings before the contest beings • If the competitor vomits or regurgitates at any time during the competition, they will be disqualified
• Use of utensils is not allowed
• Competitors may not make physical contact with any other competitor at any time.
• If contingencies or disputes arise at the contest/before, during, or after, that is not explicitly covered by these official rules, the Executive Judge's decision will stand with the same finality as the rules.