CGM's! 5th Annual Family Friendly Team Chicken Wing Eating Challenge for Charity!

Benefiting Camp Good Mourning! A Huntington-based 501c3 nonprofit organization that provides FREE grief camp programs for Long Island children coping with the death of a parent and/or sibling.

Organized by Camp Good Mourning!


53 Supporters

16% of $20,000 goal



CGM's 5th Annual Family Friendly Team Chicken Wing Eating Challenge!

Sunday, February 2nd, 1:30 PM EST

In Person

HOW TO ENTER AS WING-EATING MEMBER 1. Click the Register/Donate button and Select $35 Wing Eater Registration 2. Click the Fundraise button > Sign Up > Create your own team or Join a team if another member has already created a team. **Important note: You won't be considered a member if you haven't purchased the entry fee. ($35 Wing Eater Registration)** • 2 Wing-Eaters per Team • $35 donation per Wing-Eater • Minimum of 4 pledgers per Wing-Eater • Minimum of $25 donation per pledge . . . To sum up . . . EACH wing eater on EACH team is responsible for raising a minimum of $135, including entry donation. ***IF YOU HAVE ANY CHALLENGES REGISTERING YOURSELF OR YOUR TEAM, PLEASE UTILIZE THE "CHAT" ICON IN THE UPPER RIGHT HAND CORNER OF THE WEBSITE PAGE. We have found the online support very knowledgeable, time efficient, friendly and helpful!. • All pledges must be in by February 1st, 11:59pm, UNLESS a team registers the day of the event. If pledges are not in by Feb 1st at 11:59pm, team members are responsible for covering the pledges. ** If a wing eater is unable to secure a minimum of 4 -$25 sponsorships, said wing eater is responsible for honoring their commitment, in addition to the registration donation. All donations must be honored the day of the event at the Sign-In Registration Desk ** Trophies Awarded for: * Top Fundraising - Individual * Top Fundraising - Team * Most Wings Eaten - Adult Individual * Most Wings Eaten - Adult Team * Most Wings Eaten - (17 & Under) Individual * Most Wings Eaten - (17 and under) Team Other Entertainment • 50/50 Raffle • Raffle Baskets COMPETITION RULES • Wing eating competition is open to all amateur eaters of all ages and who are in good health • Professional eaters, persons recognized by the AICE, the IFOCE, or members of any professional eating organization are NOT ELIGIBLE • 2 WING EATERS per team • Any competitor with a serious ailment or health problem may not compete in the contest • ALL competitors will be required to complete a waiver and release provided by Camp Good Mourning! • Competitors may eat sitting down or standing up in their designated areas • Wings must be substantially consumed as determined by officials, otherwise they will not count • Chicken meat must be eaten directly from the bones (stripping bones of meat first and eating the meat afterwards is not allowed) • Competitors may not touch the wing basket or wings before the contest beings • If the competitor vomits or regurgitates at any time during the competition, they will be disqualified • Use of utensils is not allowed • Competitors may not make physical contact with any other competitor at any time. • If contingencies or disputes arise at the contest/before, during, or after, that is not explicitly covered by these official rules, the Executive Judge's decision will stand with the same finality as the rules.




53 Supporters

16% of $20,000 goal

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Camp Good Mourning!

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 82-4943989

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