$ -

3% of $250,000 goal

Coming Together for LCS!

Help us raise funds for LCS as we prepare for our future referendum. The funds raised here will be used to help offset our budget deficit for the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 school year as we wait for the state budget to get approved. These funds will aid in maintaining staff, planning and ensuring there is no disruption to our students education. 

*Please note there is a 2.9% +$.30 processing fee for each credit card transaction. You will have the ability to select payment via check.  Please send checks to school made out to "LCS PTO" or reach out to Kelly Hoesly at 262-424-5487 to arrange pick-up.


Organized by Lake Country PTO
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 20-1578749