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0% of $15,780 goal

Computer Crazy!

Can you to help us purchase 10 Apple computers for our program that teaches formerly incaracerated people digital literacy? One Apple computer costs $1,578 including 3 years of Apple Care and with your help, you we can have a classroom of 10 comupters. Our computer tech classes for formerly incarcerated people needs an upgrade! Can you help? Any donation amount makes a difference as we all pool our resources and work together to make digital technology accessible to everyone.  We want to be able to give classes with Apple computers and PCs to give our students even more opportunity for success.  Join us as we make digital technology and learning accessible to everyone.  The digital world changes rapidly and after being incarcerated for decades ... not sure if this is too much detail... I will leave it for now...  


Organized by Dream Deferred Inc
501(c)(3) Private Non-Operating Foundation · EIN 84-3651987
[email protected]