Organized by Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement
2025 Council For Native Hawaiian Convention
Tue, Oct 7 10:00 AM – Thu, Oct 9 8:00 PM HST
In Person
We are excited to announce that the 2025 Native Hawaiian Convention will take place on the ʻāina of the Tulalip Tribes. Join us for this three-day celebration of Hawaiian cultural exchange, connection, and enrichment at the Tulalip Resort Casino. This year we are gathering on the continent in Washington State–no ka lāhui–for the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement’s annual signature event! For over two decades, the Native Hawaiian Convention has served as one of the largest gatherings of Native Hawaiians to discuss hot topic issues, systemic solutions, and moving forward within our community. This three-day event will feature discussions and workshops on cultural perpetuation, housing, education, self-determination, and how to stay connected as a lāhui.