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142% of $50,000 goal

Courage Annual Breakfast Fundraiser Livestream

For five years, Mirror Ministries’ champions have been serving survivors of sexual exploitation because every human being deserves to be treated with dignity. 

With the current pandemic, online exploitation is rapidly expanding. This leaves children more vulnerable to online predators, those without work more vulnerable to exploitation, and the whole system more difficult to expose. Without our services, victims of sexual exploitation would be even further from hope than ever. 

That’s why we are shifting to online community trainings, online therapies and group sessions, and increasing our online outreach, Project Intercept. We are remaining flexible to continue finding and serving victims of exploitation. 

We have a saying that “healing happens in relationship.” Because of that reality, the current health guidelines are hitting survivors of trauma especially hard. Without in-person relationships, their healing could stall out or regress. 

That’s why we have set up ways to meet safely, one-on-one or in small, outdoor groups, with our clients. We are continuing to build those key relationships our clients need to grow and heal. 

Your generosity makes these programs possible for survivors!

The results of our annual fundraising breakfast typically provide services for about 5 survivors each month, roughly 10% of our annual funding. This year, we are expanding our annual fundraiser and our goal by moving online! Join us for our livestream event and make your donation to our annual fund.

*Your partnership will be used in areas of most need to support survivors of sex trafficking. Items listed are examples of how we could use those amounts. 


Organized by Mirror Ministries
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 47-2596483
[email protected]