Since Defenders for Children do not receive State or Federal Funding! We rely on the hearts and support of caring individuals, companies, and groups within the communities. Defenders For Children is a nonprofit that offers programs that bring ongoing education and awareness and donates Electronic Detection K9s to law enforcement agencies dealing with horrible Crimes Against Children. The K9s are new and a needed powerful tool that assists law enforcement in locating hidden electronic evidence missed during searches. We know offenders and criminals will hide what they do not want to be found. One tiny missed micro SD card can be the evidence to prosecute the criminal and rescue hundreds of children while holding millions of images and videos of children being hurt.

With the number of predators on the loose and cases growing at alarming rates, we must do what we can to stop the offenders from hurting a child. One Solid piece of evidence located by our K9s can help stop individuals, traffickers, pornographers, murderers, and more.

Did You Know?

Are you ready to help protect all children from horrible crimes?

Videos Below: 

Say Hello To "GRIP' which was donated to the Lake County State Attorney's Office in Illinois. 

Thank you "Gripple Inc & ASC Equipment for caring about the children and supporting the Defenders For Children organization.


Meet "Queue" who won the National American Kennel Club - ACE Humane Award. 

Learn more about Defenders For Children's Amazing Electronic Detection K9s...  visit   Press Page offers a lot of information.

Defenders For Children

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 27-3388956