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4% of $10,000 goal

Democracy on the Mall

Democracy on the Mall will be a week-long gathering on the National Mall in Washington, DC. We will transform the space by constructing a massive art installation inviting everyone to work together to BUILD DEMOCRACY.

Throughout the week, we'll offer TRAININGS on action, organizing and campaigning

Maintaining the massive art installation is an action in itself, but we'll use the space to launch dynamic DIRECT ACTIONS on Capitol Hill, at Federal Agency Headquarters buildings and at the offices of lobbyists, think tanks and interest groups around the District.

Each day we'll invite performers and artists from our movements and communities to share their work as we work to celebrate our CULTURES OF RESISTANCE.

And we will open up this space as a FORUM FOR DEMOCRATIC IDEAS with panel discussions, workshops, presentations and mass assemblies.

This is a volunteer-led grassroots project funded by donations from supporters like YOU! If you're able please contribute to help make this mobilization a sucess!

Organized by ShutDownDC
[email protected]