118 Foundation

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107% of $10,000 goal


Cancer doesn’t discriminate against who it decides to attack, and the story is no different for Thomas Barker. Cancer doesn’t care that Thomas is 22 years old, has a family who has recently suffered great loss, or that he has a girlfriend and a job and a big, beautiful future ahead of him. Stage 4 cancer hit him and his family like a ton of bricks - and the situation has become dire. 

Thomas was diagnosed with GIST (a gastrointestinal stromal tumor), which is a very uncommon type of gastrointestinal cancer. As you can imagine, treating an uncommon cancer is extremely difficult and complicated. Unfortunately, Thomas’s insurance does not cover the treatment he needs. As Thomas’ mom put it, they have… “hit a brick wall.”

Thomas and his family need hope. They need love. They need to know that there is a community that supports Thomas and his family and hasn’t given up on his comeback. They need help tearing down that brick wall.

The mission of the 118 Foundation is to help young adults in their comeback from cancer, so we are going running a rapid response fundraising campaign to invest in Thomas’s comeback. Our goal is to raise $10,000 to provide support, comfort, and medical assistance to Thomas and his family. Please consider a specific donation to Thomas and his family within the next week.


Organized by 118 Foundation
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 93-2292924
[email protected]