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Our Veterans, their families, and Gold Star Families are going through storms.  They are dealing with the effects of PTSD, transitioning from military to civilian life, and losing a loved one who gave their last full measure of devotion for their country.

Ignored, these storms can rage inside, possibly leading to alcoholism, drug problems, and sadly, even suicide.  

However, brighter days are ahead for these great Americans with the free equine therapy services that are offered at The Veterans Ranch.  With your precious one-time gifts, you are helping to reach back and pull them out of their storms, and lay down heavy coats of burden, and walk off as new and improved versions of themselves.

We want to thank the Proud Patriots in advance for your support of this mission. It is only through the grace of God and the strength that he provides us to keep pushing forward and serving the ones that served us all.


Organized by PJJR Ranch Corp
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 82-3947323
[email protected]