Funding The Future

Be the change with your spare change. Your gift supports our work towards:

1. Food Sovereignty
2. Green Home Infrastructure Updates
3. Safer Streets



My name is Bonita Green, currently acting president of the Merrick-Moore Community Development Corporation. My family is one of the original founding families of this community, and my father was a past president of the association. Growing up in this community, I attended Merrick-Moore High School, grades 2-5. I, along with my family, were active members of the Mt. Zoar Baptist Church, where my father was chairman of the Deacon Board, and my mother was a Deaconess. This was a community where everyone knew each other. Neighbors were there to lend a helping hand. There was a true sense of community. As President my goals are wrapped in community activism;

- To ensure the safety of our residents by advocating for the improvement of the infrastructure along Cheek RD (sidewalks, traffic lights, guard rails, improving the drainage system to guard against flooding)

    - Seeking resources for those that require financial help with needed home repairs (lead pipe removal, mold remediation, replacing old toilets, etc)

      - Overseeing the development of our community-owned property into a community garden

        - Ensuring the beautification of our neighborhood

          To accomplish these goals, and more, we need your help. By working together collectively, the needs and concerns of this community will be better heard.

          Organized by Merrick-Moore Community Development Corporation
          [email protected]