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14% of $5,000 goal

Know Yourself for YOUth

Our mission is to create highly competent teens and young adults by fostering their development into strong leaders within their communities. We do this by teaching each participant to:

Lead Yourself: Students develop the ability to lead themselves through understanding and valuing who they are and what makes them special and unique as individuals. They learn to make values-based decisions that affect changes within their own lives.

Reach Outward: By identifying what inspires them about the values and qualities within themselves, students are able to value the differences in others. Reaching out into their families, peer groups, and schools, they are able to make values-based decisions that affect changes which honor not only their values, but the values of those around them.

Seek to Understand: As students develop confidence in themselves, learn to value the individuality of others, and work with people of all backgrounds, they are prepared to see the needs within their communities, seek to understand those needs, and search out solutions, thus enabling them to affect change within the greater world around them.

Your donation provides at-risk youth with the opportunity to learn these important leadership skills.



Organized by You Life Skills and Leadership Educational Foundation
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 88-1782222
[email protected]