Donate & Tickets
Organized by Red Rose Animal Rescue
38 Supporters
11/12/24 Community Cat Spay and Neuter Run
Please drop off your cat on 11/11 between 4pm and 7pm 18416 Melon St SW, Rochester. Green gate
Select tickets
27 remaining
One dose of dewormer sent home wit you.
Flea Control
23 remaining
One dose of revolution, given at clinic
Donation to Red Rose
42 remaining
Help with Gas
FVRCP Vaccine
12 remaining
One vaccine of FVRCP given at clinic
Rabies Vaccine
20 remaining
One rabies vaccine given at clinic. Cat must be over three months and three pounds.
Female Spay plus Microchip
Sold Out
One female spay and one microchip.
Male Neuter plus microchip
One Male neuter plus microchip
No thanks, I'd just like to donate
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Additional information
I need the name of your cat, age, color, long hair or short. I need all four items to register your cat. Please arrive with the cat in a hard sided cat carrier. On 11/11 between 4-7pm Please put your cat's name on the carrier, can use tape. Thanks
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Red Rose Animal Rescue
A 501(c)(3) Public Charity
EIN 87-2939117