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1% of $1,200 goal

Everest's Broken Heart

Everest has a broken heart and needs help. When he first came to us, he had a 4/6 murmur. It has now progressed to a 5 /6 heart murmur and he has started having seizure-like episodes that are getting more frequent and more intense. He needs to be seen by a specialist to determine if there is a correlation between the murmur and the episodes, and what course of treatment is best for him. He is scheduled to see a cardiologist at NC State for radiographs, EKG, other testing, and medications.

Everest is one tough guy. He has resiliently overcome a broken foot and a broken jaw, and has been nothing shy of a happy-go-lucky dog through it all. He has so much love to give. Will you donate a few dollars to help us help Everest live the happy healthy life he deserves?


Organized by Paws for Life NC
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 01-0621772