Organized by Eagle Crest PTO
EC PTO Movie Night Lilo and Stitch
Friday, February 21st, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM MST
In Person
Location details are private and will be sent along with your ticket purchase.
All children must be accompanied by a registered adult; this is not a drop-off event. Doors open at 4:45pm - all registered participants must sign in. Bring a pillow, blanket, or stuffy and a water bottle. Most seating will be on the floor; however there will be limited chairs around the sides of the gym for those in need. Please do not bring camp chairs. We are accepting donations for the teachers lounge! Keurig Coffee and Tea pods, and shelf stable creamers are much needed. We will have a raffle in the lobby! Enter to win a special Earth Day Activity for your students class as well as our Stitch Themed Goody Basket! Only registered attendees will be permitted to join due to strict occupancy limits! We are limited to 200 attendees so if plans change after you sign up, please email to change your tickets or release them! Popcorn for each attendee will be provided free of charge. No outside food or drinks (except water bottles). Volunteers needed!