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3% of $20,000 goal

Feed Our Keiki

A Moment of Hope ~ What is a Meal?

Eight-year-old Nala sat under her shelter, her stomach growling with hunger. The days were long, and the nights were even longer without the promise of a meal. Her mother tried her best, but finding food was a daily struggle to feed all the children enough.

One hot summer afternoon, Nala saw our outreach van pull up. She peeked out from behind the flaps of the tarp  and saw a our team with bags of food filled with all different colors and packages she just knew would help to stop her hunger pains.

Jumping up and down, hand in the bag, pulling out all the different choices, she was filled with excitement and anticipation of the first bite. She called her siblings out and shouted, "they are here".

The food was delicious, each bite bringing a sense of warmth and comfort she hadn't felt in a long time. The smiles on the the faces of her sibling was comforting to Nala. 

The food didn't just fill her stomach; it filled her heart with the belief that people cared. For that brief moment, the harshness of her world softened, and she allowed herself to dream of a better future.

As the sun set, Nala, her siblings and her mother sat together, enjoying their meal. The tarp was still waving in the wind, the tent was still their home, but for that evening, they were surrounded by the kindness of a small group of volunteers who they have come to rely on, and Nala knew she wasn't alone. The food had brought more than nourishment—it had brought hope.


$7. provides a homemade meal now and $15. provides a meal card fo later when these children need them most.

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501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 32-0308897
[email protected]