Sponsorship Levels:
*FRIEND OF HABITAT ($50): Vendor spot (Non-profits)
*SUPPORTER OF HABITAT ($100): Vendor spot (For-profits)
*PARTNER OF HABITAT ($500): Vendor spot, name/logo mentioned on social media, speaking opportunity at the event, & 1/4-page ad in our annual gala program
*ENTHUSIAST OF HABITAT ($1,000): Vendor spot, name/logo mentioned on social media, acknowledgment & speaking opportunity at the event, guest blog on website for 6 months, & 1/2-page ad in our annual gala program
*ADVOCATE OF HABITAT ($1,500): Vendor spot, name/logo displayed at the event & mentioned on social media, acknowledgment & speaking opportunity at the event, guest blog on website for 6 months, a full-page ad in our annual gala program, & two tickets to our annual gala