The Center School

Somewhere Over the Rainbow Sponsorship


At The Center School, the lives of our students are changed for the better every single day.

With your support, we can continue to make a life changing impact on the students we serve. The Center School is a 501(3)(c) Organization. All sponsorships are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Emerald Sponsorship (Platinum level) $5,000.00

*8 tickets to the event *Recognition Toast at the event *Full Page color ad in the event catalog *Ad for one month on school social media, event website, school newsletter and all guest tables. *Visual and Verbal mentions at the event *Thank You in the event catalog

Ruby Slipper Sponsorship (Gold Level) $2,500.00

*6 tickets to the event *Full page ad color ad in the event catalog *Your ad on all of the school social media, event website, digital newsletter for 1 week. *Your signage on all cocktail tables *Visual recognition at event *Recognition in event catalog

Yellow Brick Sponsorship (Silver Level) $1,000.00

*4 event tickets *Full page color ad in event catalog *Recognition on event website and school social media *Visual recognition at the event *Recognition in the event catalog

Cocktail Sponsor  $750.00

*2 Tickets to the event, *Half page ad in event catalog *Signage at the bar

Printing Sponsor $500.00

*Your logo on the invitation  *Half page ad in the event catalog.

Decor Sponsor $250.00

*Your logo on the invitation. *Recognition in the event catalog.

If you were to walk the halls of The Center School on any given school day, you would see students, teachers, and professionals engaged in learning and teaching. A hand raised. A friendship formed. New confidence gained. It might be easy to take this day to day for granted.


Our families, students, and teachers know better than that. Many times their time at The Center School is the first which a student with disabilities has felt academic success. Our students come to us because they have not been successful in other placements, or because they have not yet been given the tools and support they need to thrive. Once they get here, our highly trained staff begins to form the relationships that are at the foundation of all we do. Specialized teaching and individualized support services are delivered seamlessly throughout the day pushing students to meet their potential. Students quickly learn that they are valued and that our school is a place they can learn and succeed.


Organized by The Center School
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 22-1933177
[email protected]