Willow Bates

$ -

105% of $6,000 goal

Thank you for helping me get top surgery!

Hi! I'm Willow, I'm 23 years old and transmasc/nonbinary. I've been trying to get top surgery for the past 11 years, and I've finally moved out and become financially stable enough for that to happen. I've also been binding for 8 years, but in this past year I've had to stop completely because of my ribs being bruised (due to binding). As you can imagine, this is a bit of a life changing deal for me, because this will mean work will be more physically accessible without dysphoria/having to overdress. The only issue is the final quote for my top surgery is more than I have saved for, as I had to go for an out of network surgeon. Where I live there are very few reputable trans health care providers and I do not have the ability to take time off work to travel out of state (I work a service job). The goal here is so that I can get top surgery covered with what I have saved already and be able to cover rent for the month and a half afterward in recovery. I understand a lot of us are in the same boat, so really any donations help. If you can't donate, thank you for reading this anyway, and I hope you have good luck today. :o)

Organized by Willow Bates