Katherine Hermes

$ -

77% of $3,000 goal

David Echevarria by SRQ Wellness Foundation Tax ID 93-2620785

Pleease support Sarasota local David Echevarria.  His doctors have requested that he add IV vitamins to his body to improve his health.  Requested by phsicians and administered by nurses, yet not covered by insurance at all.  All the money that is raised through this link, through this campaign, will go to help David with his weekly supply of vitamins.  Adminsitered by IV, David needs about $400 worth of iv vitamins each week.  He gets everything from a Vitamin D shot, to B12, b complex vitamins, vitsasmin C, amino acids, minerals and anti-oxidents. 

When you click on the donation type, please choose "Greatest Need".  That will push you to David's personal fund.

Thank you for your donations.

Organized by Katherine Hermes
[email protected]