Foster Care Fundraiser

Your donation will will make DOUBLE THE IMPACT by supporting local foster care children AND our Kidpreneurs!

First, 100% of your donation goes into the hands of local children in foster care for them to spend at our Kidpreneur Marketplaces! 

Then, 100% of that SAME donation then becomes profit for the Kidpreneurs that started their own small businesses! 


There are several benefits to fostering independence and allowing foster care children to spend money on their own in a safe and supportive environment:

  • Teaches financial responsibility: By managing their own allowance, foster children learn valuable budgeting skills, such as prioritizing needs over wants, and understanding the consequences of financial decisions.
  • Boosts self-esteem: Making their own choices about how to spend their money can give foster children a sense of control and independence, which can be especially empowering for those who have experienced a lack of control in their lives.
  • Develops decision-making skills: Learning to navigate finances requires making choices and dealing with trade-offs. This experience can help foster children develop critical decision-making skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.
  • Promotes a sense of normalcy: Having some control over their finances can help foster children feel more like their peers who receive allowances or have part-time jobs.


Every dollar donated will be spent by foster care children and earned by Kidpreneurs! Why just help one, when you can help two!

Thank you for helping our nonprofit to EMPOWER THE NEXT GENERATION!!!

Organized by The Kidpreneur Club
[email protected]