Jake Savage's #freedom50 Run

A 50 mile ultra marathon on November 14th to raise awareness and funds for victims of human trafficking

Donate & Tickets

Campaign Ended


72 Supporters

147% of $5,000 goal

Team Members




50 Supporters


Reset 180 (DC based)


1 Supporter


The Cupcake Girls


1 Supporter


Hope For Justice


1 Supporter


End Slavery Ministries Ecuador


0 Supporters




0 Supporters



#freedom50 Run

Sunday, November 14th, 6:00 AM EST

In Person

Live Stream

I'll be providing updates via Instagram throughout the day! You can follow along here: https://www.instagram.com/itsjakesavage/

If you're running virtually, we'd encourage you to share the run on social media using the hashtag, #freedom50! Simply post a video or photo of you running or upload a photo of your Strava route! For in-person runners, I will be starting at Lock 29 on the C&O Canal (near Point of Rocks, MD) at 6am on November 14th! Below are the starting locations for various distances if you'd like to join me: Marathon: Mckee-Beshers Wildlife Area (Mile marker 27.2. You'll need to walk the first mile to get to marathon distance, or just run it 👊) Half-marathon: Wide Water Stop Lock 10k: Lock 7 (This is closer to 7 miles so you can walk .9 miles or just run it 👊) 5k: Fletchers Cove


Donate & Tickets

Campaign Ended


72 Supporters

147% of $5,000 goal


Jake received a $50 donation from Daddy Dave

over 3 years ago


Jake received a $10 donation from Max Keeble

over 3 years ago


Jake received a $1,000 donation from Mike Weinberg

over 3 years ago


Jake received a $40 donation from P

over 3 years ago

You inspire me! Congrats on the freedom 50 completion.

Jake received a $50 donation from Reid Mene

over 3 years ago


Jake received a $100 donation from Sean and Sarah

over 3 years ago

Great work!

Jake received a $100 donation from Kate Root

over 3 years ago

Doing great things Jake Savage!

Jake received a $1,000 donation from Anonymous

over 3 years ago


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