Founded in 1970 by Sally Gearhart, Gartencurrently serves more than 500 adults with disabilities from five locations across Oregon’s Willamette Valley, in the cities of Salem, Dallas, and Eugene. Garten Services utilizes a distinctive not-for-profit business model that exists to promote job training and employment for people with significant disabilities including brain injury, chronic mental illness, cerebral palsy, intellectual disabilities, autism, as well as visual or hearing impairments. Garten successfully funds over 83% of its annual budget through revenue from sustainable business enterprises. Garten operates businesses that include confidential document destruction, green clean custodial, electronic and mixed material recycling, landscape maintenance, print and mail services, packaging & assembly/fulfillment, and zero waste event services. Garten continues to work to increase job choices for people and has a department dedicated to placing and supporting people in jobs in other community businesses.

Through the guidance of an eight-member volunteer Board of Directors, all revenues from these business enterprises are dedicated to fulfilling Garten’s nonprofit mission: to support people with disabilities in their effort to contribute to the community through employment, career, and retirement opportunities. The common thread in all of Garten’s programs is to support people with disabilities in their effort to contribute to the community through employment, career, and retirement opportunities. Our actions increase society’s awareness of human potential.

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A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 93-0582004

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