Aspire to Inspire Agency

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23% of $6,000 goal

Give Aspire to Inspire

Aspire to Inspire Agency has found the perfect location to facilitate their youth mentorship and empowerment programs for at risk youth. Since 2018, Aspire has been empowering young minds of both teens and young adults who has struggled academically or behaviorally at school or home. Recently, Aspire has partner with the juvenile Justice system to help rehabilitate and empower youth who had encounters with law enforcement. Aspire understands it truly takes a village to raise a child and they are in need of guidance, support and mentorship. The vision is to continue to inspire change and growth one youth at a time. Today, with your donations they will be able to fully furnish their facility, purchase equipment and materials supplies needed to continue to host financial literacy classes, etiquette classes, entrepreneurial classes, confidence building classes and so much more! The facility will create a empowerment center where youths can get life skills training, personal development classes and learn skills that will be vital to their desired career paths. We are most grateful for every gift you give today!

Organized by Aspire to Inspire Agency