Whether you’re a good apple within law enforcement, media or the court system, or in our businesses and communities, Good Apple Initiative is your invitation to take action. 

Jaleel Stallings founded Good Apple Initiative to connect and support everyone who wants to elevate the integrity of our legal and justice systems in Minnesota.


There ARE heroes within our legal system. 

Some work to chip away at systemic issues, facing harsh abuse and retaliation from bad apples who are protected from accountability. 

Silent heroes take small actions under cover of anonymity. 

Would-be heroes lie in wait for opportunity to lead toward a more fair and equitable future. 

Many feel alone and under fire as they strive to uphold the values and ideals that brought them to public service. 

Good Apple Initiative doesn’t have to bring about all the changes necessary to improve our justice system. We strive to protect, embolden and elevate the good apples already in place, and show them they aren’t alone. Good Apple Initiative will provide a safe space to share ideas, coordinate efforts and take collaborative action. 

Collectively, these heroes will lead us into a new era of policing and justice in Minnesota, where integrity and honor are more than buzz words. Those within the system will take pride in protecting and enriching the communities they serve. When communities can look to our justice system with a realistic expectation for accountability and partnership, generations of fear will gradually ebb, as trust and respect grow.

Together, we’ll transform the culture of policing and justice in Minnesota.



Good Apple Initiative

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 92-3119935