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45% of $5,000 goal

Fall Fundraising Kickoff

What if I told you that our fall kickoff is a basketball event? This fall, we will host a 3-Point Shootout to raise awareness about our Child Support and Credit Building initiative. Did you know that the State of MI allows non-custodial parents to request that their on-time child support payments be reported to the credit bureaus in order to boost their credit score?! In Kent County, there are over 30,000 active child support cases annually. However, almost no one knows about it!

Project GREEN will host a 3-Point Shootout to inform local residents about this opportunity and share success stories of those who have already done so. One parent has had his credit score go up by nearly 100 points, which has allowed him to qualify for a mortgage for the first time!

Your donation will help us to cover the costs of this fun and engaging event. And, it will move us closer toward our annual organizational goal of $20,000 from individual donors.


Organized by Project GREEN
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 82-4954804
[email protected]