Title: "Journey Through History: A Fundraising Campaign for an Unforgettable Trip to Savannah, GA or Selma, AL"
Embark on a transformative journey through time and history with us! Our fundraising campaign aims to provide an enriching experience for students and enthusiasts alike as we venture to the historic cities of Savannah, Georgia, and Selma, Alabama. These iconic destinations are not just places on a map; they are living monuments to the struggles and triumphs of our nation's past. Join us as we explore their rich heritage and create lasting memories.
Campaign Goal:
Our goal is to raise $12,000 to cover the costs of transportation, accommodation, meals, guided tours, and educational activities for our trip. With your generous support, we can ensure that this experience is accessible to all participants, regardless of their financial circumstances.
Why Savannah and Selma?
Savannah, with its cobblestone streets, majestic squares, and antebellum architecture, offers a glimpse into the colonial and Civil War eras. From the haunting beauty of Bonaventure Cemetery to the historic River Street, every corner of Savannah tells a story.
Selma holds a pivotal place in the civil rights movement, particularly the Selma to Montgomery marches of 1965. Walking across the Edmund Pettus Bridge, where brave activists stood against injustice, is a profound and humbling experience that leaves a lasting impact on all who visit.
Your Impact:
By supporting our fundraising campaign, you are investing in the education and personal growth of our participants. Your contribution will provide them with the opportunity to:
- Immerse themselves in the history and culture of two iconic Southern cities.
- Engage in meaningful dialogue and reflection on key historical events and their relevance today.
- Foster empathy, understanding, and respect for diverse perspectives and experiences.
- Create lifelong memories and friendships that transcend boundaries and differences.
Ways to Support:
1. Make a donation: Every dollar counts and brings us closer to our goal. No amount is too small, and your contribution will make a meaningful difference.
2. Spread the word: Share our campaign with your friends, family, colleagues, and social networks. Help us reach a wider audience and amplify our impact.
3. Volunteer your time: If you're passionate about history and education, consider volunteering with our fundraising team. Your skills and expertise can help us achieve our objectives more effectively.
Together, let's turn our dreams of exploring history into reality. Join us on this extraordinary journey as we uncover the stories of Savannah and Selma and honor the legacies of those who came before us.
Thank you for your generosity and support!
Mr Earl Eubanks
Lamplighters of Augusta GA
Organized by Lamplighters of Augusta GA Chapter