Organized by God's Faithful Servants
Team Members
Sat, Jan 28 10:31 AM – Sat, Apr 1 10:32 AM CDT
In Person
Location details are private and will be sent along with your ticket purchase.
The 2nd Annual Hearts a'Fire Charity event will be held on Saturday, September 9th, 2023 - once again at the beautiful and rustic WOODSHED RANCH, just South of Edna, Kansas. Join us for this awesome event! Celebrities include award winning country music star SUSIE McENTIRE and JANA JAE, famous blue fiddle player and performer of the popular TV show Hee-Haw! Plus, the amazing bluegrass ensemble, Creekhouse Band, and our own local musical group - the Western Way Cowboy Church Band! Guest presenters will be Chris Lewis, President/CEO of the American Wheelchair Mission and our new God's Faithful Servants Goodwill Ambassador. Isabel Einwich, Little Miss Wheelchair Kansas 2020 & 2021. Based on popular demand, BYRON HOGAN, renowned horse trainer and dynamic motivational speaker, is coming back! This evening promises to be an event that will long be remembered. Come celebrate your blessings while blessing those in desperate need of mobility with the gift of freedom and hope! Hope to see you there! Kurt & Kate Long - Founders of God's Faithful Servants
God's Faithful Servants