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63% of $2,000 goal

School Clothing Campaign

Imago Dei provides our students their uniform polo shirts at no cost, but many of our families struggle to afford other school clothing for their constantly growing middle schoolers, like pants, shoes, and sweatshirts or sweaters (yes, even in Tucson!).


We have established a separate donation page in the hopes of receiving $2,000 in support that can be used to purchase gift cards for school shopping. As funds are raised, these cards will be given in $50 increments to the families most struggling with clothing costs. As a donor, you can even pick which stores we buy the gift cards from. If you can give $50, that will directly support one family. But all gifts are helpful and appreciated. Thank you!




Organized by Imago Dei Middle School
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 86-1155866
[email protected]