Created by the Uniquely Able for the Differently Able. 100% Volunteer Team.

We are fully inclusive with a focus on those to whom adventure is perceived to be the most distant, near impossibility. We blow wind into the sails of those who have lost their legs and arms.

Adventures are about the Journey, not the Destination.
We provide life-changing inclusive experiences for the disabled that stimulate a fundamental shift in perspective from programmed, vulnerable dependency to a perspective of capability, confidence, possibility, and self-determination.

Participants develop confidence in their capabilities, and a perspective of possibility.

Why would anyone try to achieve an education or contribute their talents through employment if they believe their only prospect is to sit in front of a television trapped in a nursing home or even their own home, often unable to change the channel or even answer the telephone?

Participants learn new skills through the catalyst of adventure.

Adventure offers us a freedom only achieved through overcoming challenges, perceived limitations, and our fears. The journey itself contributes to every individual's personal development. This newfound freedom, powerfully shifts perspective to possibility - literally and measurably changing participant's lives, their roll in family and community.

We Believe In the Power of Inspiration and the Strength of the Human Spirit

We provide a concrete, un-refutable example, if someone with significant disabilities can live on a boat and circumnavigate the eastern continental United States and Canada why can they not live in their own home in the community. On deeper and broader level we are working to expand public awareness to the social, community, and fiscal benefits of home care as an alternative to nursing home institutionalization! 


Systemized segregation into nursing home type facilities of persons with physical disabilities under the guize of "What's Best for the Individual" remains a common practice. Worse, the implementation of this segregation turns into economic incarceration, often with a life sentence, based on nothing more than physical abilities. For those living in the community, the constitutional right to move freely amongst the states has been revoked through Medicaid's bureaucratic reimbursement scheme for access to home care, wheelchair repairs, and medical supplies that cannot be received out of state.

Isolation from community life through policies that penalize economic participation is a disservice to the entire community and broader nation. We must eliminate all impediments to economic participation and separate life maintenance home care from hospital emergency insurance under Medicaid.

We all need to believe in future possibilities worth striving to achieve. Why would any rational person try to pursue an education or contribute their talents economically in the community if they believe, their family believes, or more importantly, the public community believes their only prospect is to live trapped and isolated in a nursing home, or even their own, unable to do more than watch television. 


Our Capabilities

- 23+ Years Proven Design and Implementation Experience
- 25+ Years Leadership Experience creating National Million+ Membership Organization
- 15+ Years Experience working with the most physically limited disabled and handicapped individuals, their families, therapists, and professional organizations such as the US Veterans Administration, State Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, State Medicaid Waiver Programs, and hundreds of nonprofit organizations serving them.
- Extremely dedicated all Volunteer Leadership Team
- 20+ Volunteers with strong Professional Backgrounds that have directly supported with 1 week to 1 year of their time and experience
- Sponsorship from Broad Range of Industry Leaders
- Advisory Support, Encouragement, and Enthusiasm from a broad range of Leaders who are well-connected within nonprofit, politics, and industry.
- Participants and their families who have expressed very strong enthusiasm, with limited recreation, adventure, inspirational, and motivational experiences available or specifically targeted to them.
- Have Completed 3000 Miles or Half of America's Great Loop


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Inclusive Inc

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 82-5504015

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