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7% of $50,000 goal

Inner Healing Ministries - Launch Campaign

Yes! I want to partner with Inner Healing Ministries in bringing hope and healing to as many people as possible!

We are believing God for $50,000 to help us share Inner Healing with as many people as possible!

Your generous gift will help fund several strategic priorities that will help propel Inner Healing Ministries in reaching as many people as possible:

  1. General Operating Expenses
  2. Financial scholarships for inner healing appointments.
  3. Free, self-guided, online course with a professional videographer that walks people through basic inner healing techniques.
  4. Resources to train new ministry partners who have a passion and desire to bring inner healing to their communities.


Organized by Servants of the King
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 84-4657787
[email protected]