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242% of $1,000 goal

Jason Mower

I used to think life couldn't ever get better and the only way to have a good time was to be partying and being out all night, only to waste the next day hungover.
I started riding my bike to work just to prove a point to people that said it was too far to ride every day and that I couldn't do it. I found myself only proving a point to myself.
I have truly found the little kid inside that used to have fun riding his bike to friend's houses, grocery stores for candy or just to be out with friends. I am incredibly happy knowing that when I smile it is real and not alcohol induced. I hope more people can find the happiness that I have found.

On August 22nd a good friend and fellow lover of bikes, Justin Short, and I will be embarking on a 220 mile, one day adventure across the Idaho pan-handle to try and help those looking for their smiles. I am honored to announce we are teaming up with NAMI (National Alliance of Mental Illness) to start a charity for the incredible journey. Mental health is a subject that is very taboo and most people don't understand how many people are effected by depression and anxiety, which in many cases leads to alcoholism, drug abuse and, dreadfully, suicide. I am so happy to have found cycling, which luckily enough pulled me out of a dark place that had led to self medicating with alcohol. It only seems fitting that I use the simple machine that helped me find my smile again to help those who are still trying to find theirs.

Organized by Blanche