Kearney's Dancing With the Stars!

An event to benefit Compass, Make-A-Wish, TeamMates, and Kearney's Dawn and Noon Rotary Clubs! Send your favorite team to the top of the leaderboard! Donate today using the button to the right, or choose a team or dancer (team member) below!

Campaign Ended

Campaign Ended

campaign cover


387 Supporters

107% of $50,000 goal

Team Leaderboard

Team Members


Nathan LeFeber and Alexis McNeal


106 Supporters


Gary Barth and Jaci Pohl


68 Supporters


Kyle Sayler and Kim Dart


79 Supporters


Ryan Stanton and Amie Jorgensen


73 Supporters


Jeff and Brette Ensz


54 Supporters


Campaign Ended

Campaign Ended


387 Supporters

107% of $50,000 goal


Nathan LeFeber and Alexis McNeal received a $100 donation from Cory Christians

over 3 years ago


Jeff and Brette Ensz received a $50 donation from mark orr

over 3 years ago

Excellent job!

Gary Barth and Jaci Pohl received a $3,000 donation from Mike Skyler

over 3 years ago

Anonymous loved this

Gary Barth and Jaci Pohl received a $50 donation from The Keaneys- Ameritas

over 3 years ago

Break a leg, Gary!
Anonymous loved this

Ryan Stanton and Amie Jorgensen received a $10 donation from Anon Anon

over 3 years ago

Ryan loved this

Nathan LeFeber and Alexis McNeal received a $20 donation from Susan Bigg

over 3 years ago


Gary Barth and Jaci Pohl received a $20 donation from Susan Bigg

over 3 years ago

Anonymous loved this

Gary Barth and Jaci Pohl received a $10 donation from Mack Wilhelm

over 3 years ago

Anonymous loved this

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Kearney's Dancing With the Stars

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