Together We Win - יחד ננצח

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12% of $100,000 goal

Jack’s Inn - Feeding Our Soldiers, Evacuees and Bereaved Families



When war broke out Jack’s Inn, a popular restaurant in Moshav Beit Nechemia, quickly transitioned to preparing and distributing free, kosher meals across Israel and also providing fresh pizza, soups and stews prepared by us in our mobile kitchen. By the end of April 2024, we have provided approximately 55,000 ready to eat hot meals, and prepared in the field thousands of litres of hot soup and thousands of large pizzas for soldiers, evacuees and bereaved families throughout Israel, on the border and in Gaza.


Jack’s Inn’s feeding project is entirely dependent upon volunteer labor and cash contributions to purchase materials. This community initiative has grown from twenty volunteers to over six hundred, generously donating their labor, six days a week, except Shabbat. We share a collective desire to contribute to the well-being of all Israelis in the midst of a war of historic magnitude that has seriously disrupted normal life for hundreds of thousands. We also want to demonstrate “another way” to coexist in our country that experienced strong division before the war.


As our preparation, distribution and delivery of meals grows, so do our expenses. We currently spend approximately $15,000 a week on foodstuffs and expendable materials. The cost of maintaining our fixed and mobile kitchens is borne by the owners of Jack’s Inn, Meir Kranesh and Dor Goldman and, as mentioned earlier, all our labor is voluntary – but we operate at a continuous defecit for want of cash for materials.


Please consider making a donation to this wonderful project.


Jack’s Inn’s Feeding Project is not a registered charitable organization. We are just volunteers for Israel, contributing what we know how to do to support our soldiers and other Israelis who have been deeply affected by this war.


Thank you for anything you can give.


Am Yisrael Chai - עם ישראל חי



Here’s a photo album showing what we’re doing, including testimonials (in Hebrew) >>


To volunteer for Jack’s Inn’s Feeding Project (only for those living in, or visiting Israel) >>


You can contact us on WhatsApp >> +972-546-490863


Organized by Together We Win - יחד ננצח