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7% of $35,000 goal

"Operation: Ramp-up"

The Kingdom Renovation Foundation is a local 501c3 nonprofit organization whose main goals are to repair homes and improve the quality of life for senior citizens, veterans, and low-income families. With the help of our board members, donors, sponsors and volunteers we can transform communities and lives through home repairs with no strings attached.

Kingdom Renovation Foundation was developed from a vision back in 2021. The vision was to help those who were challenged with not having the resources to make modifications and/or repairs to their homes. With an initial, primary focus on seniors and making their homes safe and accessible to live in, we saw that there was a far greater need for not only the seniors, but for others as well. After much research and experimenting, Kingdom Renovations made a wise decision to include veterans and low-income families to its target market.

We exist to serve our communities through home repairs and young adults training programs. While we have a heart for those who paved the way for us, we also have a heart for those who we will leave behind. Kingdom Renovations has incorporated different training programs that will allow young adults to get hands on training and communities service hours through some of our community projects, such as “Project: Silver-Lining”.

“Operation: Ramp-Up” is a program where we take interested young adults, who may feel as if college isn’t for them and would rather learn a trade, and train them in the carpentry and building industry and use our service recipients’ homes as a training field for them. This project will bridge the communication barrier between our senior and young adults’ generations. In hope that they will better understand each other and gain a willingness to take the initiative to continue to build and beautify their communities even outside of Kingdom Renovation Foundation. Here at Kingdom Renovation Foundation our main goal is to Revive communities, one home at a time.

With your donations we can make this all possible. Will you partner with us today as we reach those who needs help the most. All donations given in this campaign will go toward the materials, labor, marketing, and office expenses needed to make this operation a success. Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.


Organized by Kingdom Renovation Foundation
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 87-2596336
[email protected]