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19% of $38,500 goal

One Village At A Time

Transforming Lives Through Christian Charity:

Our Mission in the Kasi District of Laos

Do you ever feel an overwhelming desire to change the world for the better? Do you long to reach out to the unseen corners of the globe and impact lives in a meaningful, transformative way? If so, then you're not alone. Our mission, anchored in the principles of Christian charity, is geared towards transforming lives in Laos—one of the most underserved regions globally.

The Current Situation in Laos

Laos, a Southeast Asian country characterized by rugged mountains, verdant forests, and a rich tapestry of cultural diversity, is nonetheless scarred by poverty and hardship. The scenery may be breathtaking, the culture vibrant, but a substantial portion of the population—approximately 23%—lives below the international poverty line.

Barriers to Improvement

From limited access to quality education and insufficient healthcare facilities to inadequate resources for community development, the barriers to progress in Laos are manifold. These obstacles might seem daunting, even insurmountable, but with your involvement and support, they can be overcome. 

The Impact of Our Work

The impact of our work extends far beyond the here and now. We've seen, firsthand, lives being radically transformed. We've seen children, once resigned to a future without education, now brimming with dreams and aspirations. Families who once lived in the shadows of illness, now embracing healthier lives. Communities, once isolated and resource-poor, are now developing in sustainable and self-reliant ways.


Your financial contribution, no matter how small, can have a tremendous impact. A single donation could provide a month's worth of school supplies for a classroom, a year's worth of medical supplies for a small clinic, or a clean water source for an entire community.


About Our Founders

Carl D. Moody - Founder of Traveling Apostles for Christ

I was born on October 2, 1946, in Dillon, SC, to Ansel and Mildred Moody. Growing up on a farm, I learned the value of hard work early, plowing fields and operating equipment from a young age. After graduating high school in 1966, I left the farm to seek new opportunities.

Over the years, I built a career in the automotive sales and finance industry, later managing diverse business ventures, including real estate, construction, and commercial enterprises.

In 2003, my life changed forever when I committed my life to Christ. Two years later, He blessed me with a successful business endeavor building student housing at Coastal Carolina University, which allowed me to give generously to the church and those in need. This period marked the beginning of my calling to serve others through faith-based missions.

In 2009, I took my first trip to Southeast Asia, which began as a business endeavor but quickly became a mission to spread the Gospel. Over the years, I have made 26 trips to Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, witnessing firsthand the incredible impact of God's work in these regions.

Inspired by these experiences, I founded Traveling Apostles for Christ Corp (TAC), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, in 2011. The
ministry was officially recognized as tax-exempt in 2012.

Our Mission and Accomplishments

TAC focuses on evangelism and humanitarian aid in some of the most remote, poorest, and underprivileged regions of Southeast Asia. Despite the challenges posed by communist governments, our ministry has made remarkable strides in advancing God's work. Here are some of the key achievements:

1. Evangelism:

o We have and support 3 full-time evangelists in Vietnam.
o Thus far, due to the Evangelical teams that we established, the Christian population in Laos has expanded from 86 confirmed believers in 2019 when we placed the very first Christian Evangelist in Laos, to over 5,000 today through dedicated outreach efforts.
o TAC has established a network of 31 churches across several different Provinces in Laos, with local pastors trained in basic first aid and community health.
o After passing out 30,000 Christian tracts in 2011 in Ho Chi Min City, VN, I was asked by the authorities there to leave the city and not come back. At which time I moved my base of operations from Ho Chi Min City to Phnom Phen, Cambodia.

2. Humanitarian Aid: 

o TAC is responsible for putting down 9 water wells, providing clean drinking water to over 480 families in remote areas.
o We sponsor 2 orphanages in 2 different Provinces in Laos. We provide these two facilities with critical resources like food, clothes, shoes, medical supplies, glasses, blankets, and solar lights.
o We are working closely with the Pastors in two different provinces to create sustainable food programs by equipping communities with garden tools, seeds, and training in how to grow their own food to help combat the rampant malnutrition that exists in these remote locations.

3. Education:

o We support Christian church schools in Cambodia, including one that has not only survived but has thrived despite the pandemic, and is still in operation today, while 3 of our others were forced to close.
o One of our first ministries in S E Asia was to sponsor seminary education for individuals like Kim Bui Thi Hoang, with financial resources, books, computers, and necessary items to help them obtain their theological degree from the seminary. Kim and her husband both are ordained Minister today. Kim and her family lead our operations in Vietnam.

4. Community Impact:

o TAC has established emergency food programs and health and sanitation initiatives, such as hookworm eradication and personal hygiene to improve the lives of those in need.

Why We Need Your Support

Operating in regions hostile to Christianity requires careful planning and significant resources. Our ministry has been a tax exempt 501 (c)(3), in good standing since 2012. Traveling Apostles for Christ Corp. has no salaried employees or paid directors, ensuring that all donations go directly toward advancing our mission. However, the work is costly, and we rely on the generosity of faithful supporters to continue serving these communities.

TAC's work is inspired by Acts 1:8, of the Holy Bible, where Jesus calls us to be His witnesses; "to the ends of the earth." We are committed to bringing His light to those in spiritual and material darkness, but we cannot do it alone.

Join Us in This Mission

We invite you to partner with us through prayer, financial support, or sharing our story. Together, we can bring hope and salvation to these lost and searching unreached people of SE Asia.

In His Service,
Carl D. Moody

Contact: Carl D. Moody (CEO / CFO)
Traveling Apostles for Christ Corporation
Cell: (843) 327-0699
Email: [email protected]
Website: tacht.us



The Bio of My Dear Friend and Close Advisor to Traveling Apostles

Robert Stanton Long

I was born on November 12, 1945, in Florence, South Carolina, and grew up in a loving, faith-filled home in Dillon County. My parents, James and Lillian Long, raised me in the Latta Baptist Church, where I accepted Christ at age seven. After graduating from Latta High School in 1964, I attended North Greenville Junior College (now North Greenville University). That's where I met my wife of 58 years, Darlene, who later graduated from the University of Georgia. We've been blessed with two wonderful sons, Jason and Michael.

My career has been a journey. I started in construction at Bell South, moved into management with Gulf and Western Industries, and later joined Burnup and Sims, a leader in communications construction. I worked my way up to President and served from 1982-1995, helping the company navigate some exciting changes in technology. In 1997, I launched Cable Tel Services, Inc., a company focused on advanced telecommunications and fiber technology. I'm still involved today as President, though I've stepped back from daily operations.

As much as I've loved my career, my real passion has always been serving Christ. Over the years, I've had the privilege of being a deacon, teaching Bible study, volunteering in prisons, and helping revitalize a struggling church. For the last ten years, I've been deeply involved with Traveling Apostles for Christ Corp. (TAC), a 501 (c) 3, tax exempt entity since 2012, mission organization founded by my good friend Carl Moody. Together, we're working to share the gospel and bring hope to people in the most remote regions of Southeast Asia.

Our work in Cambodia includes supporting schools, churches, and local communities, often through humanitarian projects. In Laos, where Christianity faces serious restrictions, we minister quietly, focusing on the people in the poorest and most remote Provinces. We support 2 orphanages in 2 different Provinces, and a network of 31 churches in these 2 provinces. We provide essentials such as food, shoes, clothes, coats, blankets, glasses, solar powered lights, medicine, water wells, and farming equipment. Traveling Apostles for Christ has put down 9 wells that provide fresh water to over 480 families in 2 of the most remote Provinces in Laos. Prior to us putting down these wells these families had no access to clean water.

This mission isn't without challenges though - persecution, government restrictions, and financial struggles are constant -  but we know God has placed us here for a reason. Carl and I fund much of the work ourselves, but the need is far greater than what we can do alone. We're working hard to grow Traveling Apostles for Christ so that these efforts can continue for years to come.

If this mission speaks to your heart, we'd love your prayers, your support, and your partnership as we follow Christ's call to share His love and His Word with the world.

Blessings to you and yours, in His Name,

Robert Long

(828) 817-12631

[email protected]

Website: tacht.us


Copyright (c) 2012-2025 - Traveling Apostles for Christ


Organized by Traveling Apostles for Christ Corporation
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 45-3723559
[email protected]