Keeping Veterans Fit works with military Veterans, their families, and their communities to rapidly create and maintain fitness in all aspects of life.

Our programs are:

Physical Fitness to Support PTSD Therapy

Keeping Veterans Fits works with certified Physical Fitness Instructors that partner with psychologists, psychotherapists, and psychiatrists that treat patients with PTSD. Many of these patients have been encouraged to do physical fitness training as a part of their therapy.


KVF Sports

Keeping Veterans Fit offers KVF Sports. It is our answer to the need for PTSD Physical Fitness Rehabilitation. In this program, the use of the community created through team sports is paired with a physical fitness regimen approved by psychologists that are trained in treating veterans with PTSD.



This is a Practical Application of Life Skills program for both adults and At-Risk Youth.

Our Adult Program is to assist Veterans transitioning from Active Duty to Civilian Life. Our Youth Program is for youth that has experienced or witnessed some type of violence or trauma and is suffering from PTSD. Our youth participants are referred to us by an adult community member.


KVF Village

Keeping Veterans Fit is in the process of developing the KVF Village to provide transitional housing for At-Risk Veterans. Utilizing the innovation of Tiny Homes, Container Homes, and traditional Apartment Complex construction -  there will be four KVF Villages in the South East Region. Each KVF Village will be able to support 15 Single Veterans and 10 Veterans with Families of up to 6, per housing cycle. The KVF Village program will provide a stable environment while ensuring that the veterans and their families develop the skills and steady income to become homeowners.


CW Vocational Rehab

America was once considered the textile industry’s “home address,” producing the majority of the world’s garments and employing hundreds of thousands of workers.

Today, hardly any clothing comes with a Made in the USA tag, thanks to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the decision of many companies to move their work to low-labor and material-cost countries such as China.

That’s now changing.

There are signs of growing demand and interest in U.S. apparel manufacturing, largely fueled by the collapse of China’s garment factories and related cost increases. Through the KVF Sustainable Fashion Vocational Rehabilitation Program, Veterans and their dependents now have an opportunity to develop skills so they may become a part of this billion-dollar-a-year industry.

This Program is designing, manufacturing, and marketing a Luxury Sustainable Brand for Men and Women. This brand will include apparel, accessories, jewelry, as well as, ethical grooming products.




Keeping Veterans Fit

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

EIN 81-2368419