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12% of $10,000 goal

High School Education Fund

For the majority of the world, education is not free. In fact, many parents, in places like Haiti, are faced with the daily decision of whether to feed their families or pay school tuition for their children.

When we hear stories like this, distance can make people feel like they are just numbers or statistics. But the truth is, these are real children, with hopes and goals, and fears and worries just like you and me. And the good news is, that you can do something about it. With a small monthly donation you can provide life-changing education for hundreds of children.

Education is the most proven and powerful way  to change lives for generations to come. It decreases violence against women and girls, stops boys from entering gangs, raises the age of planned pregnancy, and empowers communities in ways never experienced before.

There are hundreds of students in the rural town of La Pointe, Haiti that are in need of education. They have put in the hard work of graduating from primary school but now need funding to go to high school. Will you help make this happen?



Organized by La Pointe Foundation
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 81-5413715
[email protected]