Law School Sponsorship | Barrier Breakers®, Inc.

With your law school’s support, more minority and first-generation students will be able to pursue their career legal dreams.

Your sponsorship will help support the following initiatives:

  • Providing reduced or pro bono admissions consulting services to first-generation and minority students
  • Building the Barrier Breakers® Scholarship Fund, which gives thousands annually
  • Expansion of our near-peer mentorship and law student fellowship program
  • Creation of free resources by our expert admissions consultant for anyone to access
  • Creation of free events for prospective and current law school students
  • Strengthening the community of first-generation and BIPOC law school students and applicants

If you have further questions about partnership opportunities, please reach out to use at [email protected].


Organized by Barrier Breakers, Inc.
501(c)(3) Private Non-Operating Foundation · EIN 87-3589522
[email protected]