Riding Lessons Raffle

Grab your raffle tickets to win a month worth of horsemanship lessons at Grit & Grace Ranch! 

The horsemanship lesson time available for the raffle are Fridays in March from 5-6pm. You'll receive a total of 5 one-hour, private instruction horsemanship lessons, which is a value of $325. 

‼️Note: this raffle is ONLY for Fridays in March from 5-6pm. No other times are available.) 

Lesson days will be March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29. 

All proceeds from the raffle go directly to fund riding scholarships for teen girls in the GaitWay Dream Makers program. 

Tickets are $10 each or 3 for $20. Each ticket is worth one entry into the pot. Buy as many as you'd like to up your odds. 

Winner will be chosen and contacted Monday February 26, 2024.

‼️Please note all riders must be age five or older. Grit & Grace does have a weight limit for riding the horses. If you win and are over 220 pounds, your horsemanship lessons will be groundwork based. Grit & Grace Ranch reserves the right to determine if you are physically fit enough to safely mount and dismount the horse. If you win and they determine it unsafe for you to mount, your horsemanship lessons will be groundwork based. All participants must sign an inherent risk waiver. 


Organized by GaitWay
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 93-3707737
[email protected]