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23% of $25,000 goal


Lorie's Calling is deeply committed to early intervention and prevention initiatives in mental health.

These initiatives are designed to address mental health issues before they become severe, helping individuals receive the support they need as early as possible. Through your generous donations we are able to provide:

Mental Health Screening Tools:

    • Lorie's Calling offers free, confidential, and anonymous online screening tools for a variety of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD, and more.
    • These screenings are intended as a quick, initial assessment to help individuals determine whether they are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition and encourage them to seek further evaluation and treatment if necessary.

      Public Education and Awareness Campaigns:
    • Lorie's Calling conducts various campaigns to raise public awareness about mental health, aiming to reduce stigma and promote the importance of early intervention.
    • Campaigns often focus on specific themes or groups, such as youth, workplace mental health, or minority mental health.

      Advocacy for Improved Access to Mental Health Services:
    • Lorie's Calling works towards digital health advancements, to address the physical manifestations of mental illness and provide comprehensive care.
    • This includes efforts to expand insurance coverage for mental health services and reduce barriers to accessing care.

      Outreach to At-Risk Groups:
    • Lorie's Calling identifies and reaches out to groups that are at a higher risk of developing mental health issues, such as young people, first responders, and those experiencing homelessness.
    • These efforts can include targeted education, outreach programs, and partnerships with other organizations serving these communities.

      Education and Training Programs:
    • Lorie's Calling offers various educational resources and training programs for individuals, families, and professionals to help them recognize and respond to signs of mental illness.
    • This includes training in Mental Health First Aid, a program that teaches participants how to help someone who may be experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge.

      Collaborations and Partnerships:
    • Lorie's Calling collaborates with like-minded organizations, schools, and community groups to broaden the impact of its early intervention and prevention efforts.
    • These partnerships help to disseminate resources, tools, and information to a wider audience.

By focusing on these early intervention and prevention initiatives, Lorie's Calling aims to address mental health issues at their onset, reducing the likelihood of these issues becoming more serious and difficult to treat. This proactive approach is essential in promoting mental health and well-being across communities.


Organized by LORIE'S CALLING
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 93-1917883
[email protected]