Love Saves Lives Walk 2023

Caring Families Annual Fundraising Walk

Donate Today!

Campaign Ended


32 Supporters

25% of $10,000 goal

Team Leaderboard


River of Life Church

1 member




0 members



New River Community Church

1 member



Rockville Church of the Nazarenes

6 members



Eastford Congregational Church

0 members



Baptist Fellowship of Columbia

1 member



FaithWay Community Church

2 members



Calvary Chapel

0 members



Caring Families Office

0 members



Chaplin Congregation Church

0 members



Christ Proclamation Church

0 members



Christian Life Assembly

0 members



Cider Mill Christian Fellowship

0 members



Creation Church

0 members



Daughters of Isabella

0 members



Faith Bible Evangelical Covenant

0 members



Federated Church of Willington

0 members



First Congregational Church of Pomfret

0 members



First Congregational Church of Windham

0 members



Grace Fellowship Church of Baltic

0 members



Hebron Church of Hope

0 members



Hope Church

0 members



Iglesia Bautista de Willimantic

0 members



Light on the Hill Christian Fellowship

0 members



Living Proof Church of Ashford

0 members



Manchester Church of the Nazarene

0 members



Presbyterian Church of Coventry

1 member



Redeemer Lutheran Church

0 members



South Woodstock Baptist Church

0 members



St Therese Parish (St Marys, Most Holy Trinity, St Josephs, St Stephens)

0 members



TOP Life Students (Academy of the Holy Families)

1 member



UCONN Students for Life

0 members


raised of $100 goal


Woodstock Evangelical Covenant

0 members


Team Members

No team members yet, be the first!



Love Saves Lives Walk 2023

Saturday, October 14th, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT

In Person

PARKING: Parking will be clearly marked the day of the event and is available on a first come first serve basis in the Women Center Parking Lot. Additional parking is available across the street in the Ivan hill side-facing Hartford Cleaners parking lot and on the street. Volunteers and Staff can park behind the building in the parking lot accessible by Birch street. Refer to the image below for a Map out of parking. CHECK IN/ REGISTRATION: There will be a tent located directly in front of our center building where you will go to check in for the walk. Team Leaders will hand in their completed Team Roster Forms at this station. Those that are not a part of a team but plan on walking should check in at this station to get signed in. DONATIONS/FUNDRAISING: Walkers can hand in their donations (Cash/Checks) at the donation table. Checks can be made out to Caring Families. Those wishing to donate using a card will be able to through our fundraising site. The fundraising site is live now and will be live up until the end of the day on October 31st. Even after the walk I encourage you to continue to share your fundraising links with friends and family and encourage them to donate even more. The fundraising website can also be easily reached by going to and clicking the LoveSavesLives Tab in the menu section. T SHIRTS: There are three types of T-Shirts available this year for the walk. (See picture above). Those interested in T Shirts can purchase a t-shirt the day of the walk for $20 donation at the T-Shirt table in the Walker's Hub with cash or a check made out to Caring Families. Those who pre-ordered a Walk T-Shirt will pick up their shirts at this station as well. REFRESHMENTS: We will be serving Apple Cider and Fall themed donuts for walk participants at the food and beverage station located in the walker's hub. Coffee and Water will also be available. RESTROOMS: There are two restrooms located inside the center. They will be marked with signage. Walk Route: We will be walking around Willimantic and starting/ending the walk route at our center located on 37 IVANHILL St. in Willimantic, CT. Refer to the picture of the walk route above or read the directions below to learn more about the route. START: 37 IVANHILL ST. Willimantic, CT -Turn Right up Ivanhill Street and walk towards the top of the street. -At the stop sign, continue straight up Ivanhill Street. -At the top of the street, turn right onto Prospect Street and walk straight. -Continue down Prospect Street until you reach the intersection of Prospect and High Street. -At the stop sign, turn right onto High Street and continue straight towards Main St. -At the end of the Street, turn right onto Main St. and continue straight towards Ivanhill Street. -At the Pedal Bike Shop, turn Right onto the dirt road and continue straight towards the Center. END: 37 IVANHILL ST. Willimantic, CT


Donate Today!

Campaign Ended


32 Supporters

25% of $10,000 goal

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Caring Families Pregnancy Services

A 501(c)(3) Public Charity

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