Sponsor a Classroom

A single or monthly contribution to Visitation classrooms can empower teachers & students to find success each & every day.

How you can help:

    • Buy a Teacher a Coffee: Help a teacher start their day off right!
    • Teacher Appreciation: Make a teacher’s day by contributing to our Teacher Appreciation Fund.
    • Provide After School Games: Purchase games for our aftercare program.
    • Sponsor a Classroom Activity: From Art to Science Projects, provide funds for teachers to integrate creative, engaging activities into their classroom.
    • Classroom Supplies: Provide pencils, paper, and other essential classroom supplies for each student in the room.
    • Sponsor an After School Activity: Bring a new extracurricular activity to Visitation.
    • Sponsor a Classroom: Sponsoring a classroom means purchasing supplies, furniture, curriculum, and more to ensure every student is empowered to succeed.

No matter what amount you give, when you provide any level of sponsorship today you empower our students to build a brighter tomorrow. For more information contact us at (773) 373-5200.

Organized by Visitation Catholic School Chicago
[email protected]