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0% of $27,500 goal


Helping raise funds to support local youth 🙌 athletes ( Our General Fund )

"The reason I began Cristian's Dream traces back to a pivotal moment. It was when Cristian and I attended a game, only to find the field in appalling condition. The opposing team wore mismatched gear, jogging pants, and gym shoes – a stark contrast to the polished image one expects in sports. In that moment, Cristian voiced a wish: "Dad, I wish we could help them."
Tragically, not long after, I lost my son in a devastating car accident caused by the recklessness of another driver. Those words of compassion echoed in my mind every day thereafter. They became the driving force behind the inception of Cristian's Dream: a vision where no child is left behind.
In honor of my son, I vowed to extend assistance to as many individuals as possible within our capacity. This is why donations from individuals and businesses are crucial. Contributions are tax deductible and enable us to fulfill our promise of aiding those in need." 
Gabriel Villarreal 

Organized by Cristians Dream
501(c)(3) Public Charity · EIN 86-1646454
[email protected]