"December Prayer" - penned by Mattie at age 9, is a simple and beautiful call to action, reminding us to celebrate life together - with hope and peace - despite any differences.
During 2024, our Foundation brought local and global neighbors together to commemorate the 20-year anniversary of his passing with in-person and virtual activities that focused on "A Time for Hope." (Below this message are a few exciting highlights!).
Now, as we prepare to celebrate the 20-year anniversary of Mattie's Peace Foundation in 2025, we are planning activities and events that explore "A Time for Compassion" -- tending to basic needs, finding "okayness" within and with others, and making purposeful choices that connect us with conversation and celebration.
We begin with an invitation for you to participate in our December Prayer Project (click here).
Launched a decade ago, this timeless and universal endeavor simply involves you pausing to listen to or read Mattie's poem (click here), and to share this message of hope and peace with your family, colleagues, or community. It also offers you an opportunity to celebrate life together - by sharing a video of you or your group reading the poem aloud, or by sharing a translation of the poem (print and/or video translations requested) in any language you speak. We will post approved submissions to our new website.
We also invite you to support Mattie's Peace Foundation with a gift that helps cover the costs of planning and facilitating our Pathways2Peace programs. For nearly 20 years, our volunteer-based non-profit has mentored youth and adults as they explore the important matters of peace, and purpose, and play - so that we can move from attitude to action, and celebrate life together, despite any differences.
With just a few days left in the year, now is the perfect time to make a tax-deductible donation. It is because of your generosity that our mission successfully continues.
Peace matters, and so you.
Thank you.
Mama Peace (Jeni Stepanek, PhD)
and the
Mattie Stepanek Peace Foundation
And now - a few highlights from 2024:
Thank you for supporting
Mattie's Peace Foundation.
You are helping us cultivate peace
- within and with others.
"A Time for Hope"
and now,
"A Time for Compassion."