A Time for Compassion

Compassion matters. 

  • Compassion isn’t about pity, but equity. And at its best, compassion shouldn’t be about reacting to a crisis, but an everyday truth – from and for all people. 
  • Compassion can empower us to face the future with concern during uncertain and even chaotic times, as we purposefully choose attitudes and actions that exemplify courage, and care for our local and global neighbors. 
  • Compassion is a critical characteristic of peace, so understanding and practicing compassion matters.

These are just a few of the reasons we have chosen “A Time for Compassion” as the theme for Mattie’s Peace Foundation during 2025. 

We are already creating new materials for our #Pathways2Peace and Peace Certification programs to support youth and adults and families and communities in exploring compassion. 

And we are excited about opportunities to partner with other peace-missioned organizations that are also focusing on compassion this year. 

Compassion in collaboration.

During January, our Board of Directors attended the inaugural Compassion Summit in New York City, hosted by the Muhammad Ali Center (photo collages on our News page here...).  Along with other community leaders, entertainers, media icons, and non-profit and business representatives, we celebrated the launch of the Ali Compassion Index and committed to the Compassion Pledge and collaboration as Impact Partners.

Mattie’s Foundation President, Dr. Jeni Stepanek (Mama Peace) – who was invited to offer closing remarks on collaboration – encouraged participants to “promote compassion as a trusted truth, rather than compete for compassion as a title on a certificate.” 

Throughout 2025, Mattie’s Foundation will be facilitating virtual and in-person conversations and activities that offer tips and tools to help folks learn more about the truth of compassion. From considering differences between empathy and compassion, to realizing interruptions to compassion, to choosing compassion as an attitude and habit (even during tough times) – our mission will be to mentor and support you, so that you can role model and support others. 

Many of our programs and resources will be familiar – such as Mama Peace Chats &  Mama Peace PostsToast2Peace & Heartsongs2Mosaics events, and Peace CertificationPeace Activity Certificate endeavors.

And there also will be opportunities for you to engage with our Partners4Peace – such as #RockvilleRocks (and our new #PeaceRocks and #MeghanRocks activities), and the Muhammad Ali Center (where we are new Impact Partners and amplifying our collective work to cultivate compassion).

Compassion Reflections.

Compassion matters. Together, let’s consider compassion, so that we can make compassion our choice – for this and future generations of local and global neighbors. 

With gratitude and peace,

Jeni (Mama Peace). 

Meet Our Foundation VPs


Learn more about our
Foundation Directors & Ambassadors here...

Gratitude to Our Recent Supporters

Thank you to all who have taken a look at our new website (www.MattiesPeaceFoundation.org). We are excited to continue adding new pages in the coming - including "About Mattie," "About Mama Peace (Jeni)," "Our Partners4Peace," and "Peace Certification," - with more pages in the queue after that.

A special thank you to the folks who made end-of-year 2024 & early new year gifts to support our work, including:

Lynn Scalzi-Anderson, Monique Ashton, Timothy Bellavia, Mike Blishak, Frank Eppes, Jennifer Kerwin, Clay Maguire, Brian Orentreich, Kenneth Raisch, Anthony Scardino, Lori Shulkin, Rita Simon, Glen Smith, Nancy Swift, Lola Whalen, Richard Wong, Chitra Vijayakumar, Rob Windrem from the United States; Stacey MacKinnon and Noah Striker from Canada; and, Tommy & Joan McGurrell from Ireland. 

And a mega-special shout out to the folks who offer monthly gifts, including: 

Andrew Greer, Mary Elizabeth Hill, Randi Kristensen, Jerome Nash, Gidon Wagner, an anonymous donor, and Rob WIndrem (yes - Rob gives a little each month and also made an end-of-year donation!) 

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Mattie's Peace Foundation!

Help us continue Mattie's mission of cultivating peace with a 100 percent tax-deductible gift. It is because of your generosity that our worthy work successfully continues. 


Peace matters, and so you.
Thank you.
Mama Peace (Jeni Stepanek, PhD)
Mattie Stepanek Peace Foundation



If  you missed a previous e-Peace Update
with information & inspiration
from Mattie & his Foundation
you can check out recent editions here...

"Peace is possible... choose peace!"
Mattie J.T. Stepanek


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Mattie J T Stepanek Foundation Inc
402 King Farm Blvd, ste 125, Rockville, MD 20850-5899, USA