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In 2020 ICPJ hosted a series of virtual workshops, "Keys to Winning Against a Coup." We find ourselves again in need of fortifying ourselves against a government takeover.
This workshop will cover:
- "Pillars of Power"
- Understanding your role & mapping out your network of safety and resilience
- Nonviolent actions to take from the local level to the federal level
- Tools to regulate your nervous system so you can remain focused on the work at hand
Special guest presenters:
Sam Bagenstos, the Frank G. Millard Professor of Law at the University of Michigan. He served as general counsel to the Office of Management and Budget under the Biden administration from 2021 to June 2022 and as general counsel to the Health and Human Services Department until December 2024. More about his experience here. Listen to Sam's interview on Democracy Now about the Complete Chaos caused by the current adminstration here.
Margo Schlanger, the Wade H. and Dores M. McCree Collegiate Professor of Law at the University of Michigan. She is an authority on civil rights issues and civil and criminal detention. She teaches about constitutional law, torts, and civil rights, including classes related to jails and prisons. She also founded and runs the Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse. More about her experience here.
Margo founded and runs the The Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse, which organizes and posts documents and information from important U.S. civil rights cases, to enable greater public understanding. For a redux, go to The Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse on FB.
The lawsuit tracker includes challenges to the administration; the other tracks civil rights cases the administration is involved in, mostly as plaintiff. (So this includes the cases where the EEOC and DOJ have reversed position on whether transgender discrimination is illegal, cases where they've sued so-called sanctuary jurisdictions, and more.) Please check them both out, and share widely!